Improve harvests and food security
Once groups are well established (i.e running for at least a year), all group members are provided with maize and bean seeds and training in adaptive farming methods to support their harvests.
Blossom Africa has also engaged with the Welsh Government funded Mbale Tree Planting project to secure a tree nursery in Bunambutye to provide tree seedlings for the community. The tree nursery in the centre of the village, managed by one of our group leaders, has the capacity to provide 60,000 trees free of charge to people in the community each year. Trees are vitally important in the fight against climate change, they capture carbon and stabilise soils. They also provide fruit to eat, fodder for agriculture, firewood and shade.
We have recently also trialed the goat’s project and given thirty goats to the more vulnerable group memebers (for example elderly group members or those with a disability). The firstborn kid of each goat is given to another group member, thus ensuring the sustainability and wider impact of this project. Goats can help provide some security and build resilience, they provide milk for children and manure for farming, and an additional source of income through the sale of offspring.